Your desire, our challenge,Comfee' how I feel!

Comfee' 空調 how I chill!
see more
Comfee' 空調
Comfee' 氣炸鍋
…is how I love chopped potatoes the most!
coming soon
Comfee' 氣炸鍋
Comfee' 快煮壺 how I drink!
coming soon
Comfee' 快煮壺

Our products


Your desire, our challenge

Heating & Cooling


... is how I heat up and cool down


洗衣機 how I clean my outfit


冰箱 how I keep my groceries fresh

Kitchen Appliances

廚房家電 how I create fine dining

Small Appliances

生活家電 how I fry with the air

Water Appliances

淨水設備 how I make my first cup

About us

Comfee' how I feel!

Comfee'的靈感來自年輕一代的生活方式和生活態度。享受生活的每一刻。提供兼具時尚的設計、直觀功能操作的全系列家用電器。建立自己第一個時尚空間設計,就像你想要的那樣 "Is How I Feel"

不論在炎熱夏季,享受清涼的微風。或是加班到深夜,來個舒服的涼風。Comfee' 都能快速滿足需求,享受生活的每一刻。

Comfee' 為年輕人打造的新潮設計品牌 

Make sure your life is all around Comfee’!